Frequently asked questions

What Can Acupuncture treat?

Hundreds of scientific studies have been conducted demonstrating that Acupuncture can treat a variety of illnesses. The World Health Organization reports that over 30 medical conditions can be safely and effectively treated with Acupuncture, including: neurological, gastrointestinal, gynecological, autoimmune, musculoskeletal and respiratory conditions.
Acupuncture has also been successfully used in conjunction with psychotherapy to support emotional health.

How does Acupuncture work?
The Qi, or vital energy of the body flows in particular channels in the body, much like rivers hydrate and nourish the earth. Any obstruction in this flow acts like a dam: it backs up in certain areas and doesn’t sufficiently nourish other areas. Acupuncture points are strategic places in the bodily landscape which affect this flow in very particular ways. A skilled acupuncturist uses these points to restore balance thereby adjusting blood flow, supporting the healthy function of organs and of the  nervous and hormonal systems. The harmonious cooperation between many organ systems is fundamental to every acupuncture treatment strategy.
Acupuncturists treat people, not diseases. All treatment strategies are based on Oriental diagnosis. Acupuncturists also use a variety of other techniques including massage and heat (moxibustion).

Is Acupuncture safe?

Yes. Acupuncture has been used safely in China for thousands of years. In modern times it is still the treatment of choice for a quarter of the world’s population. Side effects are rare and may include nausea or dizziness during or after a session, slight bleeding or bruising after the needles are withdrawn. These generally pass quickly.
Only sterile, disposable needles are used

Are the treatments painful?

It is normal to feel a slight pinching feeling at the site of the needle as it is being inserted and twisted. In some points a brief electrical sensation or a heavy or spreading feeling may be experienced. However the initial manipulation,  as the needles stay in,  they should feel comfortable. Acupuncture treatments are typically very relaxing.

How many treatments will I need?

The number of treatments vary from person to person. Acute, recently acquired conditions may only require a few visits; chronic, longstanding problems may require weekly or biweekly treatments for several months. Musculoskeletal pain issues (such as back pain) may require two or more treatments per week in the beginning.

How should I dress to come in for acupuncture?

Clothing is usually removed except your underwear; so clothing is unimportant. Draping is provided during the treatment. Wear as little jewelry as possible.

Should I eat before acupuncture treatments?

Ideally you would have eaten your last meal one to three hours before acupuncture. The important thing is not to be fasting or overly full just before treatment.  If you’re fasting you may experience dizziness after the treatment, and the efficacy of acupuncture will be decreased because not enough energy is available.

How long will the needles stay in?

This varies with the health of the patient and the intention of the treatment. For treatments intended to strengthen the Qi or Vital energy (or for very weak patients) ,needles are left in a relatively short time. When treating musculoskeletal pain or tension (in strong patients) , or in treating constitutional issues, they may be left in 20 to 45  min.

Can I shower after acupuncture?

You should wait 6-8 hours after treatment before taking a bath or shower, because it takes time for the skin to seal completely after the needles are removed.

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