Acupuncture for Healing and Personal Transformation

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A Talk by Marie Regis, M.S., L.Ac.

Did you know that acupuncture as an adjunct to psychotherapy, can help transform intimacy issues, reduce anxiety levels, improve self-esteem, heal a broken heart, support the grieving process?

For every mental and emotional state there is a corresponding physical energetic reality; acupuncture can affect this energetic pattern, thereby altering brain chemistry, mood, and even attitudes. Marie will share stories of transformation she has helped facilitate in her own practice, and explain some of the theoretical basis for this work.

    Where: Carol’s Holistic Health Expo

             VFW Albertson. 155 Searingtown Rd., Albertson NY

         (Next to Shelter Rock Public Library)

               WhenSat. March 7th, 1:00 to 1:30 p.m.

Expo runs from 11:30 am to 5:30 pm. For more info go to:

 Entrance fee:   $10 when RSVP online at [email protected]/

($15 if no RSVP)


Learn Qi Gong


Kung fu or Tai Chi

Learn Qi gong: Non-strenuous Exercises for Health and Wellbeing, with Marie Regis, L.Ac.

WHEN:  Sunday Jan. 25th 2015, from 10 am to 4 pm

WHERE:  29 Barstow Rd., Suite 201, Great Neck NY 11021

FEE:  $90

When practiced daily, these simple exercises can increase vitality, improve circulation, eyesight and coordination. Marie has also found them helpful for anxiety, irritability and insomnia. They consist of non strenuous standing and seated postures.

Marie Regis is a NYS Lic. Acupuncturist in private practice in Great Neck. She specializes in Stress Reduction, Pain Issues and Women’s Health.  She has been a holistic healer for over 20 years. She has extensive training in Chinese Dietary Therapy, Essential Oils and Chinese herbs. Please see for more info.

Please call Marie for more information or to        confirm you’re coming: 516-455-2206

Acupuncture for Women’s Reproductive Health


Learn how acupuncture can support fertility and ease menstrual issues and PMS without the side effects of medication. If you’re suffering from menstrual cramping, excessive menstrual bleeding, PMS, or a fertility issue, this lecture could change your life.

WHERE:  The Acupuncture & Wellness Center, 29 Barstow Rd., Suite 304, Great Neck NY 11021

WHEN: Sunday November 17th from 10 – 11 am




Staying warm in the aftermath of hurricane Sandy

Tropical Storm Katia (NASA, International Space Station, 08/31/11) NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center via Flickr

As the weather becomes colder, many of us who are still without heat are experiencing symptoms of overexposure to the cold. Early symptoms of a cold can include: Neck and upper back stiffness, body aches, sneezing, sensitivity to drafts, foggy head/slower thinking, lethargy, headaches… and of course runny nose.  I have listed below precautions that you may take to prevent getting sick:


  • Stay physically active.
  • Wear layers. Choose wool over cotton when you can. Keep your head covered (even indoors if necessary), wear gloves outside.
  • Drink hot water and eat warm and cooked foods. You can go to a deli, coffee shop, etc… to fill a thermos with hot water.
  • Try to avoid cold foods/drinks or salads.

Here is a list of warming teas:
Ginger tea: At the first sign of a sneeze, a chill or runny nose (or as a preventative), drink a cup of ginger tea and go to bed to sweat out the cold
Ginger and cinnamon tea: Perfect for those who feel chilled from being too long in the cold, and who are sensitive to drafts.

Recipe for ginger tea:
– Add a cup of hot water to 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of grated fresh ginger (or 2-3 slices) and sip it as hot as you can. If you do not feel better after one dose, repeat three times per day..( Some recipes add a dash of red pepper to this)
Recipe for Ginger and Cinnamon Tea:
– Add one cup of hot water to 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of grated fresh ginger and 1/4 teaspoon of ground cinnamon. Let it infuse (covered) for 5 to 10 minutes. Sip it as hot as you can, then go to bed. this can also be taken three times daily.

If you’re able to cook, here are some warming spices you might use:

Ginger, garlic, black or red pepper.
Basil, cardamon, cinnamon, bay leaves, chives, cloves, coriander leaves, cumin, dill leaves or seeds, fennel leaves or seeds, fenugreek, lemongrass, musturd seeds, nutmeg, oregano, savory, Sichuan pepper, star anise.

Warming seeds/nuts:
Chestnuts, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, watermelon seeds.

Warming vegetables:
Carrot, chinese chives, leek, onion, shallot, spring onion.

If you have gas in the car, you may also visit your acupuncturist. Acupuncture (especially with moxibustion) can stop the progression of a cold and clear headaches, neck tension and body aches. It may take more than one session to clear a cold that has taken hold; but for those who get sick easily it can be a God-Send.

Take the best care!

Acupuncture and fertility

I have found in my practice that acupuncture can help resolve fertility issues, in a gentle, non-invasive way. Acupuncture can help by:

  • Regulating the menstrual cycle
  • Supporting the hormonal system and ovulation
  • Improving circulation
  • Reducing stress
  • Improving the success of implantation with IVF

The following article was copied from


Acupuncture increases chances of success in IVF by 65%
By: Diane Joswick, L.Ac., MSOM

Women undergoing IVF were 65 percent more likely to become pregnant when they combined the procedure with acupuncture, a recent study has shown.

The remarkable success rate occurred across seven acupuncture trials involving 1,366 women in a systematic review and meta-analysis published in a February, 2008 issue of the British Medical Journal.

Acupuncture was delivered either just before or just after embryo transfer – the moment when the embryo fertilized in the laboratory must attach itself to the wall of the womb to establish a pregnancy.

The research was carried out by scientists from the University of Maryland in America and the VU University Amsterdam in Holland. Researchers claim that because acupuncture costs only about $75 per session compared to $6000 to $10,000 per cycle for IVF, it would be a cost effective, safe and efficient way of boosting success rates in fertility treatment.

It is thought that acupuncture stimulates the neurotransmitters that trigger the production of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone, which controls the menstrual cycle and a woman’s ovulation.

Acupuncture is also thought to stimulate blood flow to the uterus and boost the production of endogenous opioids, inducing the body to relax.

Acupuncture has been used in China for centuries to regulate fertility. It has also been shown to be an effective treatment for chronic pain as well as many common and uncommon disorders.  You can find an acupuncturist on

Conditions that are commonly treated with acupuncture

Source: British Medical Journal, doi:10.1136/bmj.39471.430451.BE (February 2008)

Wellness day 2012

PEACE is the evening star of the soul, and Virtue is its sun; and the two are never far apart


Dear Friends,

What better way to wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year than to create a soulful and peace- giving event, a day to let go so we may create anew… I very much hope to see you there.




Health, Inspiration, Peace  ( H.I.P.)

DATE/TIME:    Sunday January 15th , 2:30 PM to 5:00 PM

LOCATION:   All Saints Episcopal Church, 855 Middle Neck Rd, Great Neck NY 11024

PURPOSE:    To alleviate stress and promote harmony within individuals, families and the community. To help people discover natural, drug free ways to slow down and find physical and emotional balance.

DESCRIPTION:       The following services will be available at no charge (donations gratefully accepted).

1. COMMUNITY STYLE EAR ACUPUNCTURE FOR STRESS: A simple treatment based on the NADA (National Acupuncture Detoxification Association) protocol of five tiny needles in each ear. People will be seated in chairs and fully dressed. 

  • Five tiny pre-packaged and sterile needles on each ear, nearly painless when the needles go in.
  • A 30 – 45 minute treatment in a community-style group setting
  • A relaxing experience that helps reduce stress and anxiety, aids with sleep, and provides an overall sense of well-being.

          2. YOGA:

  • Introduction to Yoga styles,use of props, body alignment, Pranayama
  • Beinners/Intermediate Yoga with props
  • chair Yoga

          3 . MEDITATION: Immediately following yoga class.

          4. REIKI:  Reiki is a simple and  natural method of spiritual and physical healing, which was developed and taught by Dr. Mikao Usui. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and always creates a beneficial effect. It can dramatically relieve stress and promote peace of mind.

           5. MASSAGE THERAPY: Relieves tension and stress. Given fully clothed.

RSVP: While we would LOVE to hear that you are coming and perhaps bringing friends, reservations are not required.

Community Style Acupuncture in Great Neck

The First treatment is FREE through December 15th!        BY APPOINTMENT ONLY!  516-455-2206

When :  Friday evenings 7 PM to 8:30 PM

  Sunday mornings 11 AM to 1:30 PM

Where:  29 Barstow Rd, Suite 304, Great Neck NY 11021

About Community Style Acupuncture:   The treatment follows the NADA (National Acupuncture Detoxification Association) protocol, which is highly effective in reducing anxiety and hyperactivity and improving the quality of sleep. It is also very effective for people going through nicotine withdrawal or detox. from drugs/alcohol.

 About the Acupuncture Treatment:

  •  A 30 to 45 minute treatment in a community-style group setting with no disrobing
  • Five tiny pre-packaged and sterile needles on each ear, nearly painless when the needles go in.
  • A relaxing experience that reduces stress and anxiety, aids with sleep and provides an overall sense of well-being.

For more information on the power of ear acupuncture as a treatment for PTSD, please follow the link below, illustrating how it was used by Acupuncturists without Borders  after the earthquake in Haiti:

SUGAR AND BEHAVIOR: True ADHD or too much sugar in the diet?

Do you constantly crave sugar and don’t understand how to control it? Do you have mood swings or difficulty concentrating? Is medication the answer? In this enlightening lecture, Jennifer explores sugar cravings, the reasons we have them and the effects of sugar on the body; How healthy changes in diet can powerfully impact our minds and behavior, and avoid the dangerous side effects of medication.

Jennifer Mooallem, R. PH. is a Certified Health Coach and a graduate of the School of Integrative Nutrition in New York City. She has worked as a pharmacist for 15 years. For more information:

Dates/Time: Sunday October 23rd, 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM

Location: The Acupuncture & Wellness Center

29 Barstow Rd., Suite 304

Great Neck NY 11021

Call Marie Regis at 516.455.2206 to confirm you’re coming as seating is limited.

9/11 Healing Event a Success!

“Peace is the evening star of the soul, as virtue is its sun; and the two are never far apart.” -Colton.

This quote describes the peaceful radiance  I felt in the room as people were getting treated with acupuncture, massage and Reiki. It was a success in that everyone benefited in some way. One woman said to me on her way out: ” I don’t know whether it was the acupuncture or the soothing music, but I feel more relaxed; this experience has shown me how good it feels to just stop.”  As a clinician, most of my time is devoted to treating individuals one at a time, and the work is wonderfully rewarding. This community event is reminding me just how powerful it is to bring many people into a state of relaxation and healing at the same time. Some other testimonials:

“The treatment was soothing and without pain. I have had a lot of stress and anxiety. The treatment seemed to take the edge off. I was more relaxed afterward. Today is 9/11 and the treatment made me feel a little less depressed.”

“So relaxing and peaceful. Very professional and courteous. Information was interesting and timely.”

“I have never tried acupuncture before and was not sure what to expect, but it was really relaxing. I would like to try it again! Thanks!!”

Many thanks to the Great Neck Arts Center for agreeing to host this event, and to our sponsors and volunteers. Sponsors included:

  • The New York College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Mineola NY
  • Waldbaums, Great Neck NY
  • Sunrose Aromatics, Bronx NY
  • Shop Delight, Great Neck NY
  • Bee-ORGANIC, Great Neck NY

Well, at the risk of sounding repetitive, I would do it again too!

Marie Regis, L.Ac., LMT


Community Healing event for people who still carry trauma from 9/11

I am planning a Community Healing event for people who still carry trauma from 9/11 and others who suffer from high levels of stress. I am offering it as a Free Public Service to encourage people to explore ways to reduce stress so they and their families can live a better quality of life.

Date :  Sunday September 11th, 12 Noon to 3 PM.

Where:  At the Great Neck Arts Center, 113 Middle Neck Road, Great Neck NY 11021    (Parking  available behind the building)

For Directions: or call 516-829-2570

About this event:  This event offers free acupuncture to reduce stress. The treatment follows the NADA (National Acupuncture Detoxification Association) protocol, which is highly effective in resetting a person’s nervous system and giving them a new starting place from which they can heal. This event will raise funds to support Acupuncturists Without Borders’ (AWB) national and international effort to help people who have suffered from Post Traumatic Stress  (PTSD) following natural or man-made disasters. AWB’s vision is to foster the creation of stable, peaceful global communities through its community-based acupuncture services and training, which interrupt the cycles of unresolved trauma (visit for more info).

 About the Acupuncture Treatment:

  •  A 30 to 45 minute treatment in a community-style group setting with no disrobing
  • Five tiny pre-packaged and sterile needles on each ear, nearly painless when the needles go in.
  • A relaxing experience that reduces stress and anxiety, aids with sleep and provides an overall sense of well-being.

In addition:

  • Chair massage and Reiki treatments will also be offered FREE of charge.
  • Free refreshments will be provided.
  • No appointment is necessary – Suggested donation: $15.

Please note: Marie will be opening a low cost Stress Clinic in her office using Community Style Acupuncture on Friday evenings from 7:30 PM to 9:00 PM, starting September 17th 2011.

For more information on the power of ear acupuncture as a treatment for PTSD, please follow the link below, illustrating how it was used by Acupuncturists without Borders  after the earthquake in Haiti: