Blog update

I am planning a Community Healing event for people who still carry trauma from 9/11 and others who suffer from high levels of stress. I am offering it as a Free Public Service to encourage people to explore ways to reduce stress so they and their families can live a better quality of life. Date of the event will be either Sunday September 11th or Sunday September 18th.

This event will include the use of Community style acupuncture as taught and practiced by Acupuncturists Without Borders (AWB), and may include other healing modalities such as Reiki, aromatherapy, chair massage and group psychotherapy. Community acupuncture is a highly effective and efficient way of treating many individuals at once. Clients are treated in a group, sitting up in chairs, fully clothed. Needles are inserted in the ears based on a protocol developed by the National Acupuncture Detox Association. Immediate effects of ear acupuncture include a sense of well being and relaxation, reduced anxiety and depression, and improved sleep.

This week I am exploring possible hosting locations for this event. What is needed is a large room capable of seating 50 to 100 people or a minimum of 1300 squ. ft. An optional second room for additional healing modalities would be helpful but not absolutely necessary. Location in Nassau  in proximity to Great Neck would be helpful.

For more information on the power of ear acupuncture as a treatment for PTSD, please follow the link below, illustrating how it was used by Acupuncturists without Borders  after the earthquake in Haiti:

For more information on the work of Acupuncturists without Borders please go to:

Please contact Marie Regis if your organization would be willing to host such an event at [email protected] . Thank you!








“The real voyage of discovery lies not in seeking new lands but in seeing with new eyes”
Marcel Proust

A Lecture by Marie Regis, L.Ac.

Date/Time: Sunday May 29th from 4:00 to 5:00 PM
Location: The Acupuncture & Wellness Center, 29 Barstow Rd, Suite 304, Great Neck NY 11021

What is illness and what does it take to come back to a state of wholeness? Why is it that some health conscious people become ill while others seem to get away with poor diets and remain relatively healthy? Why do we sometimes feel worse when we give up the junk food and adopt a healthier lifestyle?
Being diagnosed with a chronic illness can throw us into a state of fear, shock or disbelief and our expectations often become an obstacle to healing.  A new way of perceiving the changes in our body may be an important step in our healing journey. Marie Regis will share from her clinical experience and from the Chinese medicine perspective on the physiology of healing. There will  be ample time for questions and answers

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