Maximize your immune system before Flu Season

Acupuncture to strengthen immunity

by Rev. Marie Regis, M.S., L.Ac.


The best way to increase immunity is to improve metabolic health and lower stress levels

What is metabolic health? 

Mainstream medicine defines it as the absence of Metabolic Syndrome. 5 key factors are your blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar and waist circumference. If 3 of these 5 factors are above or below “normal” range, you have “Metabolic syndrome”; this puts you more at risk for type 2 Diabetes, stroke, and heart disease, according to the Mayo Clinic. We now know that you’re also at greater risk of serious complications, even death from Covid if you have Metabolic syndrome.

Chinese medicine raises the bar in their definition of Metabolic Health. You might be surprised to know that having an appetite for breakfast is one of several defining factors in healthy metabolism. Metabolic health and immunity are intrinsically linked, and consists mainly of:

  • A healthy digestive system
  • Endocrine and hormonal balance
  • A healthy respiratory system

Acupuncture, along with healthy lifestyle can improve function in digestive, endocrine and respiratory systems.

Let’s take a closer look at what this means:

  1. Healthy digestive system
  • Signs of chronic digestive deficiencies include
    • Lack of appetite, especially in the morning
    • Bloating or gas,
    • Fatigue after eating or general fatigue
    • Loose stools
    • Foggy mind, difficulty concentrating
    • Lack of sense of taste
    • Legs feel heavy or weak
  1. Endocrine and hormonal balance
  • Signs of imbalance include:
    • Overactive or underactive thyroid
    • Mood swings
    • Difficulty sleeping through the night
    • Night sweats and hot flashes
    • Infertility and irregular menstruation
    • Chronic lower back weakness or pain
  1. Healthy respiratory system
  • Signs of weakness include:
    • Fatigue upon exertion, easily out of breath.
    • Shallow breathing
    • Chronic cough
    • Weak voice
    • Lack of sense of smell
    • Chronic allergies or sinus congestion


Acupuncture can support the function of any internal organ system. This has proven true in my 15 years of clinical experience, though the degree of success varies from patient to patient. Your willingness to commit to a healthier lifestyle (willingness to change) is key. According to the Chinese newspaper Xin Hua Net, Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal medicine have proven effective against the Coronavirus. Read more at

How it works:

Here’s how it works: Acupuncture supports the energy grid that underlies the biochemistry of the body. It can increase the flow of energy to particular organ systems, decrease inflammation, and help unblock areas of poor circulation. As it regulates the flow of Qi, or life force, lymph and blood circulation improve; chronic pain subsides, and seemingly unrelated physical problems often resolve.  Clients suffering from Anxiety and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder get significant reduction of their symptoms with Acupuncture. The United States Army has been treating soldiers for PTSD with Acupuncture with excellent results. Emotions are intrinsically linked to the physiology; that’s why acupuncture helps lower stress even if that is not the primary focus of the treatment.

In my practice, listening closely to your concerns and helping you make better lifestyle choices is central to my success in helping patients’ making lasting positive change and resolve chronic health issues. I also teach simple meditation techniques that can be profoundly calming and centering.

Please call me for a FREE PHONE CONSULTATION to see if Acupuncture is right for you Call 516-455-2206 today!

Virtual Health Consultations offered in response to the current pandemic

Every acupuncture session begins with a health consultation, where we discuss progress and new issues that come up for the client. Even mild symptoms can be very significant diagnostically, as they inform us of the underlying pattern of disharmony to be addressed. This is followed by a clinical observation of your symptoms, some of which can be detected visually via zoom, and diagnosis of the problem. At this very special time, if in person treatment is not possible, I am offering Lifestyle Counseling and Self Care recommendations to lower stress, regulate your physiology and enhance your immune system. This can include:

  • ACUPRESSURE: alone or combined with essential oils application on points
  • ESSENTIAL OIL recommendations for diffusing
  • EXERCISE: including specific Qi Gong and breathing practices to regulate the energy system

The quickest way to reach me is by calling 516-455-2206. You can also reach me via email at [email protected]

I wish you and your loved ones Peace and Health in the weeks and months to come!

Blessings, Marie

Covid-19: Protecting ourselves and our communities

Safety in community

The current state of panic is being fueled by an irresponsible and sensationalist media. Panic directly and quickly weakens immune response. In the words of Epidemiologist Dr. Abdu Sharkawy, MD (facebook post dated 3/5/20) , let’s return to talking reasonable precautions, lowering our stress levels and being there for each other and our communities. This will go a long way in maximizing our health and immunity. The following are important preventative measures we can take to increase our likelihood of staying healthy:

  1. CREATING STRONG VITAL ENERGY / QI: In Chinese medicine, the ability to fight and expel pathogens is based on strong Qi (Vital energy) . This is dependent on a few things:
  • Having sufficient quantity and quality of Blood (including red and white blood cells, adequate nutrients including minerals) 
  • A strong digestive system is the basis of a strong immune system; it insures we can actually be nourished by the foods we eat (assimilation). 
  • Having strong lungs to directly support Qi.
  • Adequate quality and quantity of sleep
  • Regular exercise
  • Low toxicity levels in the body. Toxicity includes an overabundance of parasitic microbes such as yeasts, harmful bacteria and protozoans.


  • Poor diet weakens digestion: irregular eating schedule, eating too much raw or canned foods, cold or raw foods, too much or too little protein, late night eating, eating in front of the TV or while reading, etc…
  • Regular or excessive intake of alcohol and other drugs, smoking. Alcohol is used in Chinese herbology to warm and speed the flow of blood circulation. It also will bring harmful bacteria and viruses deeper into the body, thereby making colds and flu symptoms worse. The “heat” from the alcohol adds to the “heat” of bacterial infections. Normally, the body will try to clear infections outwards via urination and sweating. But in this case the alcohol directs the harmful pathogens to deeper organs: ie: Liver and Spleen. Also the SUGAR from alcohol would make any infection spread more quickly
  • Chronic stress will dramatically weaken immunity. When we are in the fight or flight response (angry or scared), the immune system automatically shuts down. Prolonged stress can have long term consequences, lowering immune response and making us vulnerable to opportunistic infections and even chronic degenerative diseases such as cancer.
  • Fatigue from chronic lack of sleep or poor quality sleep.


  • Reduce stress: 
    • Have a daily meditation program. There are several excellent meditation Apps out there including the popular “Headspace” with many choices of guided meditations. I have regular meditation groups Wednesday evenings and Sunday mornings which are now meeting on Zoom.
    • Exercise daily: walking outdoors especially in this beautiful spring weather will help lower stress. Also, Yoga, T’ai chi or Qi gong practices can quickly change your state of mind
    • Don’t engage with people who always see the glass as half-empty. Surround yourself with people who inspire and uplift you.
  • Eat fresh foods, and avoid raw and cold foods as much as possible
  • Get to bed early and allow yourself to have at least 8 hours of quality sleep
  • If needed, get a few acupuncture treatments to maximize your immune system, lower your stress and help with sleep
  • Trust your body; it was designed to protect you!.

Although my clinic is open, I am also offering Zoom health consultations; this can provide you with a Chinese medical evaluation of your state of health and immunity based on your symptoms, history, tongue diagnosis, life style factors, etc., and a detailed plan to support health and well-being. This can include dietary and lifestyle changes, herbal and essential oil recommendations, meditation and mindfulness practices to lower stress.

Take the best care, and stay safe!

Peace, Marie