What is SomotoEmotional Release?
SER is a process whereby old emotional trauma and its physical component in the body are released, resulting in a more relaxed, healthy state of body and mind. It was developed and taught by Osteopathic Physician Dr. John Upledger. Most of the facilitative process by the therapist is through skillful use of CranioSacral techniques on the patient’s body. Therapeutic imagery and dialog may also be used to facilitate the connection between the patient’s conscious and unconscious mind.
What is the purpose of SER?
The purpose of SER is to release physiological and associated emotional tensions which are interfering with a patient’s health or well-being. This tension is often caused by old trauma. Trauma frequently has an emotional component, but could be purely physical. Experience has shown that in cases where an emotional component is present, the SER process reduces by at least half the therapeutic time needed for the release of body tension.
Who can benefit from SER?
The SER process has helped people recover from a variety of physical ailments including chronic pain, headaches, lower back pain, sciatica, digestive disturbances, asthma, difficulty sleeping. It has also helped patients who are currently undergoing psychotherapy, by creating increased connection and integration between the patient’s conscious mind and subconscious feelings and memories. It has been used successfully with people suffering from Post Traumatic Stress. It is especially valuable for patients who have difficulty getting to their feelings, or patients for whom safe, nurturing touch is helpful; i.e.: for perinatal and early childhood trauma.
Can SER work replace Psychotherapy?
SER is a hands-on process which can greatly enhance and complement the valuable integrative work which takes place in psychotherapy sessions. It cannot replace it.