The Mind and Body are ONE. Many people report feeling more peaceful after Acupuncture, even if they have come for strictly physical issues. Chinese medicine believes when we improve the body’s function, the mind will follow. Marie has found that people in psychotherapy make faster progress WITH acupuncture treatments. She has had success with people suffering from:
- PTSD, anxiety and panic attacks
- Difficulty concentrating, ADHD
- Low self-esteem or confidence
- Irritability and depression
- Obsessive-compulsive and addictive disorders
- Eating disorders: binging, anorexia, bulimia.
- Difficulty with loss and grieving
- Bonding and intimacy issues
Consistent treatment over time can help re-program the brain and nervous system to function more harmoniously, helping to cultivate virtues that support life:
- Faith in ourselves and in our social environment
- The ability to let go
- Feeling grounded and centered
- Calmness, presence and resilience
- Improved memory and cognition
PEACE , Marie