Acupuncture promotes Inner Peace

In these uncertain times, most people are finding themselves feeling more anxious, frustrated or worried. Acupuncture has a proven record of helping reduce stress, and promote peace of mind. Every patient who comes into my clinic leaves feeling lighter and more positive, regardless of the issue we are treating.

Here’s how it works: As standard practice, acupuncturists make a wholistic evaluation of your emotional and physiological state before each treatment. We have ways of evaluating which organ systems are energetically out of balance, and whether the physiology as a whole is functioning harmoniously. Then we treat based on what we’ve observed, as it relates to your main complaint.

We believe the energy grid is foundational: it affects our biochemestry, circulation, hormonal, immune and neurological systems. Acupuncture has a powerful effect on these systems, because it very effectively regulates the flow of energy; it also can reduce inflammation and soothe the nervous system.

Particular emotions are said to affect and be affected by specific organs: ie: worry affects the stomach and in turn inflammation in the stomach can make a person more worried or emotionally reactive. Heavy drinking can make the liver toxic thereby increasing our propensity to react in anger. Fear affects the kidneys and adrenals, sadness affects the lungs, etc… We are able to dramatically affect how you feel emotionally by focused treatment of these organ meridians.

In my practice, I have helped patients suffering from panic attacks, PTSD, chronic worry (and accompanying digestive problems), prolonged or intense grief, depression, self esteem issues, addictive disorders including eating disorders, and insomnia with excellent results.

Essential oils can be an effective adjunct to acupuncture, and I often make individually tailored formulations for patients to apply to specific acu-points between treatments. This can accelerate healing. Chinese herbs are another adjunct therapy I’ve used very effectively when needed.

I often teach patients meditation, Qi Gong (a form of moving meditation) and mindfulness skills to support lasting change. Meditation and Qi Gong, can recalibrate the nervous system, helping us cultivate Inner Peace and a hopeful, joyful state.

Blessings to you on your healing journey,

PEACE, Marie